Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Help is a Blessing

What if you had many hungry children all over and wanted to help them not only be fed physical food but grow in character?

We know from scripture "God hears the cry of the poor and him who has no helper". The cries of the poor are always being heard by God. We are reminded to "remember the poor". We know that the US has a flood of new migrants who have come into this country riding on the wings of desperation for a new life. They may find temporary shelter, but they don't know our language and customs. 

So if you knew an area in your state where these least of the least had come, what would you do to remember the poor?

We have been constantly reminded of the hardships of people coming from other countries to survive. They need help coming from all kinds of places, and their children need to learn English to have a basic reading and math level. But, the hidden factor is they need homework help. One thing churches across the country could do would be to liaison with a nearby elementary school, find the newest families, and start helping them.

Change happens as people who care move out of their comfort zones to bring hope to those who may be vulnerable to drugs and gangs without a net of real people providing real acts of kindness and love to the little ones whose cries ascend daily.